Our Services.
Water or pool therapy has long been used as an adjunct to traditional land based therapy techniques. Water is an ideal environment for therapy, as its buoyancy reduces body mass and provides support, which allows for less painful movement. This also permits range of motion to begin earlier than is possible on land. As you progress, we can introduce a variety of equipment to both challenge or assist you.
Treatment Programs
Aquatic Physical Therapy can be used to treat a variety of physical conditions. All ages can benefit from the warmth and support of the water. All treatment programs are designed for your specific diagnosis, and multiple areas can be addressed at one time.
Water or pool therapy has long been used for both adults and children as an alternative or adjunct to traditional land based therapy techniques. Water provides a safe environment for continuous learning and exploration of movement. Aquatic Therapy can improve a child's self confidence by providing a means of community integration and by decreasing the disability stigma.
The Aquatic Rehab and Consulting staff combines expert knowledge with patience and lots of smiles to make therapy a fun and productive experience for children.
ARC provides physical therapy in two locations:
Cal Elite Sports Center
Located in Rancho Santa Margarita. This pool is completely indoors and heated to 92 degrees. Hours here are generally Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 7:30am to approximately 9:30am.
Waterworks Aquatics
Located in Irvine. There are 4 pools at this location, 3 are enclosed and heated to 92 degrees, and one is outdoors, heated to 86 degrees. We provide services at this facility every day except Wednesday. The hours are as follows: Monday 10:00-3:00, Tuesday 8:00-3:00, Thursday 8:00-3:00, Friday 10:00-2:00.